The developer of the ethnographic game "Spadchyna" is Rusetsky Nikita, a student of the 8th form of SEI " Secondary school №40 of Vitebsk" and SIAE "Vitebsk Regional Palace of Children and Youth".
This game attaches participants to the culture and traditions of Belarusian people. It helps to learn new words. It is designed for school-age children.
Navaday young people lost interest in the Belarusian language, culture and traditions of our ancestors. The project allows to raise interest in the history and traditions of Belarusian people, as this software tool is an ethnographic video game, based on the Belarusian national holidays: Kupala, Maslenitsa, as well as national antiquities.
The game consists of seven levels, which vary in complexity.
Starting the program is carried out by running Spadchyna.exe file from the project folder.
After downloading the program an interactive menu consisting of the following items: "Levels", "Record", "About" appears on the screen .
The game begins with the first level, the next level is not available.
Level 1. It is the easiest level in the program. It contains 3 tasks dedicated to the national holiday of Kupalle.
1 task - "Find a fern flower". In this task, you have to distinguish a flower fern among five species of flowers. Fowers appear in different places on the screen. If a fern flower is found, the first task is done. When choosing a wrong flower the game reports an error.
2 task - "Collect wildflowers to make a wreath." In this task, you have to choose wildflowers among nine species of flowers. As in the task number one, the flowers appear in different places on the screen.
3 task - "Put a wreath into the river." In this task, you have to drop a wreath into the river. It must go with the flow.
Level 2. This level is dedicated to the national holiday of "Maslenitsa". The level consists of 8 tasks.
The player's task is to collect a scarecrow of winter and burn it.
Level 3. It is more complicated. It shows a Belarusian House. This level consists of ten tasks.
Level 4. On this level the players learn folk crafts. We can see six houses on the screen. A variety of products appear on the screen. The player's task is to move them in the house of the master .
Level 5. The part of the culture of any nation is national food. The player has to make a picture of the puzzles and feed a guest. The display shows the name of the dish, which the guest wants , and the player has to treat him.
Level 6. This level has pictures of everyday objects which are marked with a question mark. The player has to make of the letters the names of objects. This level comprises five tasks.
Level 7. The level has a table of letters, where the words associated with traditional Belarusian holidays are hidden. It contains 20 words.
After completing tasks, you can learn your score in "Records".